

Facebook Memories: do we love them or hate them?

January 13, 2023|

I must love them because I check them most days. I like that my Sobbing-Child-With-Santa picture and my Little-Double-Dolly Partons (one still sobbing) Halloween picture are at the ready once a year. I tear up when I see the picture of my favorite dog who was eaten up with cancer at that very moment but just hadn't told me [...]

BarnBurner Design: What’s in a name?

November 16, 2022|

Merriam-Webster defines barn burner this way: One that arouses much interest or excitement. agrees with its definition: Something that is highly exciting, impressive, etc. What is more exciting than a remodel or a new build project? Not much besides a new baby, in my opinion. Like a new baby, home projects come with their fair share of [...]

Seven pictures that I never want to see again

October 28, 2022|

The black and white trend gone rogue. In terms of trend cycles we are BARELY into the black and white trend when we consider how long the grey trend persisted, especially in some markets. Homes that have no business being black and white, or (cringe) all black are popping up everywhere. Just like we saw homes with five-shades-of-gray [...]


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